250 Eot Cranes

250 Eot Cranes

EOT cranes cover a rectangular area, moving a load side to side and backward and forward. The lifting device, called a hoist is mounted on a trolley for horizontal movement across a bridge beam connected to one or more horizontal girders which are supported at either end by end trucks. The end trucks are attached at right angles to the girders and move on fixed runways. The horizontal travel of push type cranes is powered manually by the operator; alternately, an electric overhead crane is powered by electricity. Still other cranes can be air-powered (pneumatic).
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250 eot cranes

EOT cranes cover a rectangular area, moving a load side to side and backward and forward. The lifting device, called a hoist is mounted on a trolley for horizontal movement across a bridge beam connected to one or more horizontal girders which are supported at either end by end trucks. The end trucks are attached at right angles to the girders and move on fixed runways. The horizontal travel of push type cranes is powered manually by the operator; alternately, an electric overhead crane is powered by electricity. Still other cranes can be air-powered (pneumatic). 




